Welcome to Bluewater Adventures...

Experience the Wilderness, Wildlife and Indigenous Cultures of Canada’s Pacific Northwest and
Southeast Alaska.

Explore the coastline of British Columbia and Southeast Alaska aboard one of our 12 passenger, expedition yachts. With over 45 years of experience, Bluewater Adventures is a pioneer in British Columbia eco-tourism and coastal sailing, expedition travel. We provide world class experiences to unique and remote destinations with unparalleled wildlife viewing opportunities and the chance to learn from local First Nations about cultural history and art.

We advocate sustainable tourism practices and have been Carbon Neutral since 2007. We work to preserve and protect the areas we visit.

Your next adventure begins here - Choose from our selection of expedition itineraries or check out our Special Trips Page to learn more about unique travel opportunities.


Wildlife & Wilderness Viewing

Wherever we travel, we will explore areas with abundant wildlife and pristine wilderness. Get absorbed in a beautiful destination and see a diverse range of species. See the Spirit bear, whales, bears, birds, wolves, marine mammals and more.


Sailing is another highlight of our voyages. With our focus on wildlife and exploring ashore, we mostly motor at low speeds. We set the sails depending on weather & time.

Native Culture

We incorporate the rich history of the coastal First Nations / Native Americans in all of our trips. There are lots of interesting old villages and museums - and you will get the chance to meet local native guides and elders.

Kayaking / Exploring

Each day there is the opportunity to kayak, if you are interested. We anchor in secluded bays and if you want to explore freely on your own, slip into one of our stable sea kayaks.



Are you interested in chartering one of our vessels?
For complete charter information on our crewed boats, please contact us.

Bluewater Adventures Expeditions 
Sailing British Columbia & Southeast Alaska